A Lesson from Art: Transformation


transformation (noun) 1. the act or an instance of transforming; the state of being transformed (Canadian Oxford Dictionary)

What is it that we call art? A personal preference? A professional secret? Something we need to be an artist to understand?

Whatever way we look at art, it can be a practice of transformation. When words, for instance, are put together on paper such that they inspire and bring about powerful images, elevating our thoughts – this is Art. When musical notes are crafted and played at such a level that the mastery of the musician allows only music to be present, it brings us to a new landscape in our imagination. Brushstrokes placed on canvas with such skill that when gazed upon, we are struck with a Beauty that cannot be expressed in words…

The transformation of sculpting from raw stone or clay can be a marvel of practice and the combined experiences of a master artisan. The result of a lifetime of practice and learned mastery has given us the Mona Lisa and the Venus de Milo.

There are so many examples of art in nature. The most important one is the one we are given - the art of our own life. Life and living well are acts of Art. The experiences of men and women both in the past and in our present day show us examples of living life well – to learn and practice day by day. Living life well is a continuous and determined practice, acquiring higher states of being - being courageous, noble, just, loving, caring, courteous, exemplary, generous – all virtues that elevate us as human beings.

Art can be the practice of transforming life, improving our inner state of being each day. And who then is an artist? He who lives life with authenticity is already an artist. And each artist, with practice of his craft, can create his own masterpiece.


June 10, 2008

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