Technical genius not just a sign of our times


Thanks to X-ray tomography, fragments of a 2,200 years old mysterious object, the "Antikythera Mechanism", have been identified and the object rebuilt.

It is a complex gear mechanism allowing the calculation of the position of the sun, the moon, planets and the prediction of solar and lunar eclipses.

Experts say they are extremely surprised: "How is it possible for such an object to be designed and built by the ancient Greeks, an era of thinkers and philosophers but not of technical engineers!?"

Where does this tenacious "surprise" come from in the face of evidence demonstrating the existence of a high development of theoretical and practical reasoning in ancient times?

To confuse technological progress and human progress, and to believe that the further we go back in the past the less we are likely to find something to learn from, prevents any enlightening encounter with the cultural and spiritual heritage of our own human history, thus isolating us in the alienation of our times.

The past of humanity is not antiquated. It is a positive and essential living source for the development of the whole human being.


October 12, 2007

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