Organic Food Going Global


As people become more concerned about health and the environment, more and more have turned to ‘organic food’ as a choice. The idea of food grown and raised locally in eco-friendly ways with no pesticides or growth hormones is appealing to people who are health and environmentally conscious.

Based on statistics, the organic idea has caught on and the organic food market has grown from a niche market to the mainstream market, with an annual growth of 20 per cent each year. Because of the rapid growth in demand and potential for profit, major supermarket chains and factory farms have jumped in.


One can find organic food in supermarkets from suppliers and producers all over the world, some travelling thousands of miles before reaching the hands of a purchaser. What happened? Has the popularity of ‘organic’ becomes a victim of its own success?


The term ‘organic’ has been appropriated to sell anything. People have associated ‘organic’ with healthy. Has this become an automatic association? When there are organic chips and cookies, when organic food has to be transported half way around the world, we need to ask ourselves what we are achieve by choosing organic.

If we are health conscious, for ourselves and our environment, let us not reduce the solution to one dimension and let us not limit health only to the physical body. There are other dimensions within that also call for attention, such as emotional health, mental health and spiritual health.


To desire health but neglect these other dimensions would be like building a house without a foundation, or planting a tree without giving it room to grow its roots.



May 20, 2008

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