Politics, Ethics and the Economy


This week's news highlights attempts to fix the economic system. While toxic assets, bonuses, and bailouts take centre stage, the background beliefs, ethics and values get much less attention.

The British governments chief scientific advisor warns of a perfect storm of food shortages, scarce water and high energy costs that will hit the global economy in the next ten to twenty years. To continue a course using personal and national debt to feed high levels of economic growth is unsustainable. There is also the debt to nature: the constant depletion of topsoil, forests, fresh water and biodiversity.

Chris Hedges, graduate of the Harvard Divinity School and former correspondent for the New York Times notes that “we kneel before the cult of the self, elaborately constructed by the architects of the consumer society, which dismisses compassion, sacrifice for the less fortunate, and honesty...Success, always defined in terms of money or power, is its own justification. The capacity for manipulation is what is most highly prized.”

John Ralston Saul writes that values have been crushed. “Imagination, creativity, moral balance, knowledge, common sense, a social view wither...what is encouraged is growth of an undisciplined self-interest in which winning is what counts.” University graduates often accept the ways of questionable corporate culture because they have not been taught to think morally or ethically.

Confucius, 2500 years ago, made a link between personal ethics, politics and leadership. To have a just harmonious society we need to start with ourselves because outer order comes through inner order. He taught that there is no difference between ethics and politics.

This great master, like many others, emphasized the importance of education to cultivate ones own inner being of love, beauty, harmony, justice and compassion, and to want the same for others. When we overcome our own tyranny, there would be order in us, order in the family, and order in society. An awakened leader who leads by example gives space for others to cultivate their own human and spiritual qualities.


March 30, 2009

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