Ode to an Entertainer


Michael Jackson, like every human being, was a mystery of consciousness.

Before he had the power to be responsible for himself, he was foisted into celebrity culture, which he shaped – and was shaped by – for the remainder of his life. For 45 years in the spotlight, he endeavoured to give the best of himself to others. A talented, professional, hardworking entertainer, Jackson genuinely loved and appreciated his fans. He touched people in an inexplicable way, demonstrated by the craze that followed him wherever he went and the outpouring of grief upon his death from millions of people around the globe. And while our materialistic culture expresses “shock” at the death of a relatively young celebrity, the grief experienced by his fans is genuine.

This may give us pause to reflect on the “cult” of celebrity that our world worships … How undisciplined minds fantasize a persona about their idols, develop affection and feel deeply connected to strangers that don’t even know of their existence …

Like each human being Jackson was fraught with idiosyncrasies and consequently subject to the opinions of others: intense public scrutiny, in his case, from being in the glare of an omnipresent spotlight. Larger than the average life, the paradoxes of Michael Jackson can serve as a mirror for our own. Each person has knots, shadows and challenges deep within the personality – which we suffer, live with, or successfully overcome. Each person is blessed with gifts and opportunities that can be developed and pursued to benefit oneself alone or to benefit others as well. Jackson gave everything that he could – of his talents, advantages, and earnings – during his time, although his life served to remind us that money and fame don’t buy happiness.

Like anyone’s death, Jackson’s invites us to reflect on our own lives and legacy.
What is the message of his life – beyond all of its tribulation, and the media frenzy that pursued him? Jackson brought much joy, love, and kindness to millions of people on the planet. He used his celebrity status to actively support many causes that benefited children around the globe, as well as other health and animal welfare causes. He often stepped out of the spotlight to conduct this work, too. It was his mission to bring healing to people, especially children in difficulty and to a humanity suffering much pain and ignorance.

Throughout Jackson’s work over the decades, emerge themes of hope for humanity, a call to change ourselves and the world, and a cry to respond to the injustices rampant on our planet. An idealist, Jackson invited people to move beyond conflict and to build bridges of tolerance. Let us learn from this legacy as we build our own, towards a world with more goodness, justice and harmony.



July 26, 2009

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