Forest Therapy for Aching Urban Souls

Scientists in Japan have recently published the results of studies on the effects of forests on stressed-out workers. Forest bathing, a new expression for immersing oneself into the scents, sounds and beauty of the trees, strengthens the immune system.

This remarkable calming effect of the contact with forestry is attributed partly to «inhaling air containing phytoncide, or essential wood oils given off by plants».

Following this study on dozens of individuals, scientists now assert that «forests gratify the five senses by providing the sounds of birds, cool air, green leaves, the touch of trees, wild plants and grasses… The atmosphere of forests makes people calm».

Following these scientific revelations, researchers and government-affiliated officials gathered to come up with a new official designation granted to certain forests : Forest Therapy Base and Forest Therapy Road, which are now being increasingly and fashionably used as part of therapeutic approaches prescribed by companies to their employees.

If we were able to reconnect with the very essence of life, nature, the universe, as the transcendent intelligent being we are part of, we could recover the natural healing power contained in the smile of a child, in the beauty of a bird, in the mystery of the sky, in the majesty of a tree…Rather than the forest-pill, what we certainly need is to choose the red pill of the re awakening of the soul.

May 15, 2008

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